What is the NCSS (National Criminal SuperSearch)?
The SuperSearch is the most comprehensive instant criminal database search available in the market today. The NCSS scans over 900 million criminal records across 3 major databases from every state in the country. Its a single search that takes less than 15 minutes to complete and provides an easy to read report.
What makes the NCSS National Criminal SuperSearch better than other instant searches?
Instant criminal database searches are not 100% accurate or complete. The SuperSearch is unique as it scans 3 criminal databases to provide a far more complete and thorough search than a single-database search. The NCSS also scans over 900 million records compared to the industry standard of 400 million records. This means that you are more likely to find potential problems that an applicant may have on their record which will protect yourself and your company from risk.
Search Fee: $20.00
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