Background Checks

50 State Nationwide Criminal Background Check + Sex Offender Search ~ $20.00
Our 50 State Criminal Record Search utilizes all city, state and county databases, including Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. All of our searches are FCRA, EEOC, OFAC, and ADA Compliant. Our reports contains all arrests and convictions, including the type and nature of the arrest, court dates and final disposition. Including Parole, Probation and Incarceration records.  View Sample Report
Turnaround Time: 1-8 Hours  

CrimCHECK360 Criminal Background Report       $60.00
Run a COMPLETE 360 degree Criminal Background Search Report and get accurate and comprehensive data plus save money - 50% cost savings! InfoCheckUSA provides the largest Criminal Records Database in the industry which comprises over 850 million records.

This Complete Criminal Check Includes:

  • National Criminal SUPERSEARCH
  • National SexOffender Check
  • Federal Criminal Check
  • County Criminal Check
  • Nationwide Wants and Warrants
  • Homeland Security Check
  • SSN IDentity Check
This is the most comprehensive criminal search on the market.  (3 business days)

Mexico Criminal Background Search                                     $50.00

Hiring someone from Mexico? onAco can conduct criminal record searches in Mexico by City. Mexico Criminal Searches by province include criminal records for the city being searched. All criminal searches include crimes and offenses that are comparable to felony and misdemeanor offenses in the United States.    All filings are "hand searched" for quality control and accuracy. We will obtain a search of at least 7-years (default) or further upon request. You are provided with all available details of convictions including charges, offense date, conviction date, disposition and sentence.  Turnaround Time: 3 to 10 business days

Canada Criminal Check                             $50.00

Hiring someone from Canada? ONACO can conduct criminal record searches in Canada by province. Canadian criminal searches by province include criminal records for the province being searched. All Canadian criminal searches include crimes and offenses that are comparable to felony and misdemeanor offenses in the United States.   All filings are "hand searched" for quality control and accuracy. We will obtain a search of at least 7-years (default) or further upon request. You are provided with all available details of convictions including charges, offense date, conviction date, disposition and sentence.   Turnaround Time: 3 to 7 business days

Nationwide Sex Offender Check         $9.00
One of our most popular background check services! A simultaneous search of 50 state's sex offender registries. Total records to date in this database is 1,404,527. Currently, pictures of offenders are listed in 44 of the 50 states. Results available instantly. Picture of subject displayed (if available)

County Criminal Records Search        $20.00
This is one of the most important tools for uncovering criminal records available. Because law enforcement must report charges resulting from arrests on felonies, misdemeanors and other offenses. The county criminal search is conducted at the county level where a subject is most likely to have any information filed. We are one of few investigation companies using actual "live" researchers who hand-pick information from courthouses in every county in the United States.   Turnaround Time: 24-48 Hours

Notes: All county criminal searches go back a minimum of 7 years and include felonies and misdemeanors. Some court fees may apply. Some counties are still archaic in handling information and this may extend the turnaround time.    MUST INCLUDE COUNTY IN ADDRESS.