5 Reasons to Conduct a Background Check!

Any one of these is a good reason to initiate a background screening program. Combined, it's hard to think of a reason your pre-employment screening shouldn't include a background check.

1) The average cost of recruiting, hiring and training an employee can range from $4,000 to $50,000.
2) A background check helps insure your investment and typically costs less than 1% of your hiring expense.
3) While the percent of resumes containing false or misleading information varies from one industry and position to the next, it is a widespread and potentially expensive practice.
4) If you’re familiar with the term "defensible hire", then you know a background check is proof that you and your organization adhere to a company policy and perform your due diligence in screening candidates for hire.
5) Background checks help create and maintain a safe work environment. And verifying a candidate’s past performance through a background check is one way to make sure you’re hiring the right person for the job.

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